What is Pilates?

Pilates is a movement method created over a century ago by Joseph Pilates and brought to the U.S. in the 1920’s. The Pilates method focus on 6 Priniciples:

  • Concentration

  • Control

  • Centering

  • Precision

  • Flow

  • Breath

Pilates creates strength, mobility, stability and control of your muscles utilizing the 6 Principles through a mind-body approach. In Pilates, one connects to the brain and breath to create intentional, quality movement.  Pilates is extremely effective at developing a strong, healthy spine and core, which are essential for good balance and proper posture.  With an emphasis on proper alignment and form, Pilates engages and works all muscles in a balanced, safe and effective manner. Pilates focuses on postural alignment and core strengthening to not only gain strength and mobility, but to also help alleviate and prevent pain and injuries.

What makes Pilates different from other workouts?

In Pilates, muscles are worked from both an Eccentric and Concentric contraction positions. When working in an Eccentric contraction, the muscles are lengthened, which is what creates the long, lean musculature that is so characteristic of Pilates bodies. In traditional exercise, the muscles are only working in a concentric, or shortened contraction. Both kinds of muscle contractions are needed for a strong and healthy body, and Pilates does both! Pilates is a great addition to all other forms of exercise and is a great way to balance out any fitness program. Additionally, Pilates works the deep small, stabilizer muscle that are often neglected in other workouts. Pilates is unique, versatile, and can be tailored to any fitness level and is truly for every body. Whether you’re an elite athlete, a fitness enthusiast, prengnant, recovering from injuries or just looking to get stronger and healthier, Pilates is for you!

Why should you practice Pilates?

A consistent Pilates practice results in an increased body awareness, which will positively impact the way you feel and carry yourself in your daily life and improve the quality of your daily functional movement. You'll sit straighter, lift properly and without pain, stand taller, longer, and leaner. Your aches and pains will begin to disappear as your strength and mobility increase. Through Pilates you'll develop an increased connection to your body and feel an overall improved sense of well-being. Pilates is magic!